YouthWell NH funds programs to improve youth mental health in NH.
Programs funded include:
30-Day Mental Wellness program – An opportunity designed to assist students in dealing with their social and emotional wellbeing offered at Winnacunnet High School by Jeff Levin, M.A.T., M.S.W. and life coach. A comprehensive support initiative tailored specifically for Winnacunnet students during the summer break and into the school year. The program is designed to provide students with a safe and supportive space where they can, in whatever way is most comfortable to them, explore and address some of the global societal issues that cause a lot of students to be stressed and anxious. Students will explore the emotions that can cause a negative internal dialog, develop coping strategies, understand that they have choices, and build valuable life skills. Through the program, Mr. Levin will guide students through this process, offering students a choice of individual and group sessions, on-line workshops, and engaging activities that promote self-awareness, empathy, and resilience. At its core the program offers a 30-day challenge of easy, free activities students can do in 15 minutes or less that will help them calm down, constructively connect with themselves and others, and gain confidence.
Jeff Levin Life Coaching Home Page (
Mental Health Podcast Series: “Through Darkness Together-One Inch at a Time”
A ten-episode podcast series led by Irene Buchine and inspired by her award-winning children’s book, Celia and the Little Boy. With the experience of raising a child with depression and becoming a NH spokesperson for children’s mental health, Irene frames her series around the metaphors that have made her book uniquely insightful and accessible to children and adults. Irene aims to bring light into the darkness for our children and the courage to face the darkness, for all who love them.